Monday, June 22, 2009


写blog是为了发泄吗? 我不知道, 不过对我而言 ,我可以把我的心思写出来。


工作不顺 ,孩子不听话, 老公不体谅。我就是觉得做什么都不顺,做什么都是错的。

到现在我们还是处在financial crisis当中,也不知道我们的经济会何时会go towards the positive direction. It seems that no one dares to say that this year will be the turning point. Not even the economists dare to make this commitment.

每个公司都采取retrenchment, pay cut, shut down days, and even extending shutting down their offices in other locations other than the main. No job security, no prospect, nothing to look forward to at work now.

能做的就是安分守己,做好份内的事, 每个月就等月底, 拿了薪水,交every billings that never seems to disappear from the stupid letter box. And then we are back to the cycle again, work and get paid... work and get paid. Damn it!

When is this stupid crisis going to end? 2010 or 2011? I think if this continues, we are not going to be able to buy bling bling, but we are going to have a bleak future. Sucks right?

I am just fed up with life in general! Need to vent my anger somewhere before I really blow up.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Life is Short!!!

I got an email from my friend. I think we have to learn to appreciate what we have now.

珍惜現在擁有的!每个人都不会知道明天会发生什么事情。 所以要好好得享受现在,爱护身边得每个人。

Beautiful Lesson!!!!

The girl in the picture is
Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21. Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23.

The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US.

Katie has termi nal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.

In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of quimo to end.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss.

An unusual accessory at the party
was the oxygen tube that ketie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well.

The other couple in the pictur e are Nick's parents. Excited to see her son marrying his high school sweetheart.

in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, listening a song from her husband and friends

At the reception, katie had to take a few rests.The pain do not let her to be standing up for long periods

Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think..... Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it last. We should stop making our lives complicated.

"Life is short.
Break the rules
forgive quickly

kiss passionately, love truly

laugh constantly

And never stop smiling
no matter how strange life is

Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Angeline's 5th day of school - 9 Jan 09

Today is the last day of the week and also last school day for Angeline. This morning she struggled to go to school... again.. Cried and cried when she was in the class but the teacher told me that she stopped crying after a while. I was so relieved cos I was so worried for her.

Took more pictures today...

That's a close up of Angeline's smiling face before school.

Angeline is still feeling okay at home.

Angeline took these photo outside her school.

I have a talk with her teacher after school. Understand that she vomitted after her tea break but overall she is a good girl. Though she cries at the initial stage, she will stop her crying after 10minutes or so.

This whole week is a new experiment for Angeline, Daddy and Mummy. It's a new start for Angeline, another stage of her growing up phase. I do hope that next week will be better. I am going back to work on 12 Jan 09 and I do hope that everything is going to be fine.

Angeline's 4th day of school - 8 Jan 09

Today is the first day Angeline went to school officially without us inside the class. Quite worried and unsure if she is able to handle the "stress". Haha....

Date : 8 Jan 09

Before school feeling : Kept asking "Mummy, go in with me??"

No before school photo as I forgot to buy batteries for the camera. When I brought her to school, she insisted that I have to go in with her. I held her hand and we walked in together. She put down her water bottle and took off her shoes herself but when she went to wash her hands (daily activity), I quickly left the room.

I can still hear her crying when I was outside the class. But no choice, she has to learn how to go into the class herself.

That's her after coming out from her class.

Angeline's 3rd day of school - 7 Jan 09

Today will be the last day for the school to allow parents in the class. Wonder if she will alright....

Date : 7 Jan 09

Before school feeling : Not very happy or rather worried. Not too sure. But kept asking me : Mummy go in with me??

Can tell that she is feeling worried today!!

That's Angeline with her classmate.

I was in class with her for the 1 hour. She seems alright in school and teacher even praised her. She helped teacher by keeping the chairs after her art & craft class, helped teacher to put up the art work on the wall and even helped to keep the toys that others played.

Angeline's 2nd day of school - 6 Jan 09

Today is the 2nd day of school, Daddy and Uncle William went back to work already so it's left with Mummy and Angeline only.

Date : 6 Jan 09

Before school feeling : Very happy when she woke up. Asking Auntie Clarence to quickly shower her and dressed her in her uniform

Taken outside her bedroom. She was so "kan cheong" to go school. She looked so happy.

Another picture of before school... so happy!
I followed her to class today. Managed to get her to pay attention to teacher. But she doesn't seem to blend in with the class. Doesn't play with her classmates at all.
Teacher taught them to sing the Welcome song and they sang happy birthday song to a classmate. After that, teacher read them a book and it's Arts and Craft time again. Today they did pasting of triangle.
When I see that she was engrossed in her art work, I left the room quietly. I didn't hear any crying from outside. Glad that she was okay.
When she came out from her class after an hour.

Another picture of her after class. Not as happy as before school.

But when I asked her what she did in class today, she kept telling me that she sang happy birthday song and she did pasting of triangles on paper today.

Angeline's First Day of School - 5 Jan 09

Finally, it's the "BIG" day for Angeline. Daddy was so nervous the night before and kept asking if anyone will bully Angeline or not. On my side, I was so positive that she will be happy to go to school.

However, I do have my share of worries - I wondered if she can really get used to school, is she able to communicate to the teachers and friends, will she be happy in school and the list goes on and on....

Let’s do a recap of Angeline’s first day of school…

Date : 5 Jan 09 Monday

Daddy, Mummy and Uncle William took leave to accompany her to school today. School is from 10am to 11am for today.

Before school feeling : Happy when she woke up. Wanted to wear her uniform and school shoes asap.

Angeline put on her uniform and socks

Angeline waiting to put on her new school shoes

Angeline @ corridor waiting for us to leave the house

Angeline with Daddy and Mummy along corridor. Photo taken by Uncle William.

When she was walking to school, she was so happy and kept running to the direction of school. Once she reached the school gate, she became nervous and started biting her finger ~ first sign of nervousness.

When it's time to go into the class, she started to give me a very sad face. I told her "don't worry, Mummy will be waiting for you outside at the door" but it's useless!!!

In the end, I told her "Daddy will go in with you, ok?" She was so happy when she heard this and Daddy went with her to attend an hour of lesson.

Daddy commented that she was alright in class but she was not paying attention to what the teacher was teaching. Throughout the class, she kept looking at Daddy and make sure that Daddy is still around.

But she enjoyed her Art & Craft - hand printing on paper plate.

After school feeling : Wanted to go back to school but Mummy and Daddy must go in with her.