Monday, June 22, 2009


写blog是为了发泄吗? 我不知道, 不过对我而言 ,我可以把我的心思写出来。


工作不顺 ,孩子不听话, 老公不体谅。我就是觉得做什么都不顺,做什么都是错的。

到现在我们还是处在financial crisis当中,也不知道我们的经济会何时会go towards the positive direction. It seems that no one dares to say that this year will be the turning point. Not even the economists dare to make this commitment.

每个公司都采取retrenchment, pay cut, shut down days, and even extending shutting down their offices in other locations other than the main. No job security, no prospect, nothing to look forward to at work now.

能做的就是安分守己,做好份内的事, 每个月就等月底, 拿了薪水,交every billings that never seems to disappear from the stupid letter box. And then we are back to the cycle again, work and get paid... work and get paid. Damn it!

When is this stupid crisis going to end? 2010 or 2011? I think if this continues, we are not going to be able to buy bling bling, but we are going to have a bleak future. Sucks right?

I am just fed up with life in general! Need to vent my anger somewhere before I really blow up.

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