Friday, January 9, 2009

Angeline's 4th day of school - 8 Jan 09

Today is the first day Angeline went to school officially without us inside the class. Quite worried and unsure if she is able to handle the "stress". Haha....

Date : 8 Jan 09

Before school feeling : Kept asking "Mummy, go in with me??"

No before school photo as I forgot to buy batteries for the camera. When I brought her to school, she insisted that I have to go in with her. I held her hand and we walked in together. She put down her water bottle and took off her shoes herself but when she went to wash her hands (daily activity), I quickly left the room.

I can still hear her crying when I was outside the class. But no choice, she has to learn how to go into the class herself.

That's her after coming out from her class.

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